Six photographs from Greenwood Music Camp (2017-2019)

Francis Fedora

For the past four years I have taken film photographs at Greenwood Music Camp. They are taken with the intention of creating postcards, to be sent out in the depressing months of winter to the campers and staff. The limitation of the black and white film creates more authentic and durable work. The limited shots on a role force critical judgement of what is worth a picture. The lack of instant feedback discourages perfectionist tinkering. The lengthy development time means the image itself is separated from its subject. In our image-oriented age, convenient digital photography has occluded our experience of the world. Life and image have become intertwined. In retreating to an inconvenient medium, the photo becomes capable of depicting a world without its own footprint. 


Chella Raughaven


Music is a Seed of Hope by Tiffany Cuaresma